Gutter Inspections & Cleaning

Gutter Inspections

Our gutter inspection service is carried out with a wireless pole-mounted camera. The telescopic poles we use can reach up to 4 floors and allow us to survey your gutters safely from the ground on a monitor, without the danger of ladders. The footage of your gutters is recorded and a copy of this can be e-mailed to you so you are able to see for yourself the condition of your gutters before and after cleaning.

Internal Gutter Cleaning

If you neglect your gutters, it can potentially lead to further problems as guttering plays an important part in weather-proofing your property.

Brilliant Sheen provides some of the most efficient methods of gutter cleaning from the safety of the ground. Our specialist equipment can help remove leaves, twigs, sludge and other such debris which can build up over time and using this high-reach pole system, eliminates the need for ladders.

Top reasons to have your gutters cleaned ...

  1. Blockages - due to the build-up of leaves and other debris.
  2. Rotting Roof - (including soffits and fascias) resulting from backed up water.
  3. Interior damage to home - caused by rotten roof.
  4. Bent gutters & brackets - overly full gutters become too heavy and can bend.
  5. Plants taking root in gutters - can be a tough problem to rectify.
  6. Mould - the presence of organic matter and water leads to the formation of mould.
  7. Damage to foundations of house - if water isn't drained away from the house and it pools around the foundations it will expand when frozen and cause cracks which lead to floods in your basement.

External Gutter Cleaning

We clean the outside of the gutters using our high-reach poles and wash them down with Pure Water to get them looking as good as new.